
  • Lack of knowledge about the risks 

  • Poor ability to regulate and deal with strong emotions 

  • Untreated mental health issues: mood disorders like depression, bi-polar, disruptive mood dysregulation, anxiety disorders including social anxiety, panic attacks, Schizophrenia, PTSD 

  • Learning disabilities, ADHD 

  • Poor self-esteem, shame 

  • Low assertiveness  

  • Poor behavioral self-control 

  • Genetics 

  • Personality traits like impulsivity, high levels of sensation seeking 

  • Conduct disorder: aggressive, violent, destructive, and deceptive behavior, violation of the rules  

  • Same gender attraction, transgender, bisexual 

  • Isolation 

  • Early onset of harmful substance use 

  • Poor interpersonal relationships 

  • Physical or emotional trauma 

  • Adverse Childhood Experiences 

  • Grief or loss 

  • Chronic health problems