Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA)

Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA) is a program “based on the belief that one’s environment plays a major role in determining whether an individual will use alcohol or illicit drugs.” A-CRA participants receive assistance to make changes in their life so that clean, sober behavior is more rewarding than is using alcohol/drugs. The important role of an adolescent’s caregiver is acknowledged.

A-CRA helps youth identify their use patterns and triggers. Teens can then use this knowledge to recognize the behavioral chain involved in their use.  They are then taught how to disrupt this “chain” by using various skills like relapse prevention, communication, problem solving, and anger management. For example, if a youth realized that they always use after they have had an argument with their parents, they can learn skills to reduce conflict in their home. The youth learn to change maladaptive thought patterns and use adaptive ways to respond to triggers. The program also helps teens identify motivators for attending treatment and reducing use. A-CRA then helps them strengthen their motivation to stay clean. 

A-CRA helps youth find healthier ways of achieving desired feelings. Similar to their using behaviors, teens are encouraged to identify activities, including ones they haven’t tried yet, that increase their happiness and plans are made to participate in these activities more frequently. Healthy, enjoyable activities are then used as motivators for change.